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  • Saturday, August 06, 2005

    A Foreward To New Readers

    Dear Reader,

    Though it may seem to you that this is my first time getting involved in the realms of blogging, you're mistaken. I've been blogging for the past 2 years now and I know how this whole system works.

    Then why is this a new blog?

    The reason is simply because my old blog was never publicly accessable. JustMy2Cents was a blog that no one except me knew about. It was where I could devote my thoughts and my rants without anyone having to pry at me. Yes for 2 years I lived a quiet and low profile life. I didnt want the whole wide world (www!) to know what I was doing, thinking,feeling or expressing. It was great though, even as I was creating the templete for this new blog, part of me was telling me that I should just continue on with my old one. After all there was nearly 2 years of memories and events in that blogsite.

    But what's the point of jotting down your life if no one is there to read it? Historians, politicians and entertainers don't write their memoirs and biogrpahies and keep them unpublished. They write so that others can read and get a sense of their extrodinary lives. Now I'm not saying that I have an extrodinary life, but to some extent, my life has been interesting....and over the next few months and perhaps years, I'll go through an important phase - I'll be finishing my undergraduate degree in 4 months time and I'll be in the working world... so things will definately be interesing in the next coming months.

    There is never a day where I fail to actually sit down and reflect on my life. Reflections has been a crucial element in my life now. These reflections are a result of either the day's events, or just something I'm feeling, or even something that is going to come up soon. Like I said, I'm in an interesting yet challenging and unclear phase of my life: love-work-carrer goals -family-trials-studies-triumphs-friends : never have these elements become so important and crucial in my life than right now.

    What do I expect from this blog?

    There is a reason why I chose to make this blog public : YOU... yes I invite you to share my joys, pains, frustrations, triumphs, trials and journey with me as I go along this interesting phase of life. Afterall moments in life isn't meaningful unless it's shared. Not everything I post here will be of any philosphical nature, so don't worry...from time to time I will bitch about things, or give my opinions on stuff other than my life... there's more to life than just me!

    And at times, I will be facing some dilemmas, problems, and I will need some advice....I invite you to help me by providing your inisight on the problem/issue. By providing your insight, you'll help me look at things with a different eye...and this will help me learn. It'll help me learn about life.

    You know, there is a reason why musicians release albums every 1-2 years - The fans. If there are no fans to support them...it'll be pointless and demotivating for them to make new music. Fans give them the drive to make new music. The same analogy applies here. Having your comments drives me to post more and keep my blog as updated as possible. So yes, in a nut-shell I'm looking to you to get part of my motivation to keep this blog updated. And I hope that you would able to provide me with the continous support through your comments.

    I will also add new features to the site from time to time such as new links or quirky little things that I have done! The purpose of these "add-ins" is to make the blogsite look more fresh, exciting and young. So watch out for new quirky stuff such as "Last Seen @ the cinema" and "Top 5 of the week".

    Well this is all for now, I sincerely hope Straight From The Heart will be an interesting read for you...and I hope my daily journal entries will motivate you to keep on reading it. I look forward to making Straight From The Heart a heartwarming and exciting and rewarding experience for both myself and for you, the reader.

    God Bless
    Prashanth :)


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