The deteriorating quality of English among bloggers
While some people may blame the education system for the lack of the quality of English being taught in schools, I personally think it lies more with society. You see I kinda get the feeling that Malaysians feel to talk Singlish and Manglish is the norm. If anyone tries to talk differently, they will be viewed as an outcast and will be stigmatized and be ridiculed. (I know this because this happened to me a few times when I went back last summer). And because society doesn’t try to correct itself…we become complacent and just continue speaking like this. Heck I even know some Malaysians in my university who speak Manglish with their caucasian peers! In fact I once remember a Malaysian giving a class presentation in one of my courses and he was talking in a pure 100% Manglish way. It was jarring to the ear because it wasn't proper English at all. I still remember he was trying to stress a point and he kept on saying “aiyah how can, I tell you like that cannot wan!!”
Even though they can’t speak fluently, I've noticed the Chinese students who come from China do at least try to speak proper English. Their tenses may be messed up, and it’s sometimes difficult to understand the words or ideas they’re trying to convey, but at least it’s much better than Manglish!
This goes back to my earlier point; I feel that Malaysians have learnt to accept Manglish to be their “English”. No one bothers to correct, and if anyone does, they’ll be ridiculed and be mocked. Most parents also don’t really bother to teach their kids to speak properly. I guess their common argument is “aiyah nevermind lah, as long as he can talk and can write, that’s enough lah!”
Because of all this, bloggers have started using Manglish in their web blogs and sites like KennySia’s Benglish further encourages the young to speak more deteriorating English; and I’m not looking for spelling errors or anything, rather I’m looking at their sentence structures and tenses and at times it can be really deplorable and poor and the worst part is, there is no one to correct them about these things. Other bloggser will in fact encourage and comment in a Manglish way by praising the blogger’s entry post! As a result the youths today especially those who aren’t given the opportunity to study abroad will never learn to speak English the proper way.
Yes many people may think that this is all just a joke and it’s all just for laughs. Afterall isn't Phua Chu Kang's way of talking hillarious? But it’s inevitable and it goes beyond laughing matter. We start to accept that this is the proper way of talking! The more we become complacent about our English standards, the more deteriorating our English will be. I remember a couple of years ago the Star Newspaper launched a campaign “Let’s speak proper English” to get people to speak and learn the proper way of speaking good English.
Perhaps what we really need is for society to come with terms and accept that Manglish is not English and that is not the proper way to speak.
Now I’m not saying we should follow the western way of speaking. Even though it’s their mother tongue and so on, we need not put on phoney British or American accents just to speak English “the right way”. I know of a malaysian who returned from the states just after barely 8 months of being there and he began to speak with a funny accent that everyone knew he was just faking it! In fact, I think putting on a phoney accent when speaking is even cheaper than talking Manglish!
We can still be proud Malaysians by speaking English PROPERLY; and how do we do that? Well for starters by not mixing English with other languages or adding unnecessary lahs or wans or mehs. You may think it’s impossible, but trust me anything is possible if you want to learn and are willing to put in the effort. When I came here, I made an effort to avoid using those unnecessary words, and after sometime I got used to it. It’s tough though I have to admit, being in a society where everyone around you speaks Manglish, but let them be that way as you can always make a conscious effort to speak properly. Apart from that, another way to speak properly is by correcting your peers whenever they use the unnecessary Malaysian phrases and vice versa. By correcting them you are making both yourself and the other person aware of the improper way that the person is speaking and vice versa, and with time and practice, you will eventually learn to speak properly.
It’s a long ambition and goal I do realize, and some of you may think it’s not feasible, but I believe people can change and we have the capacity to learn new things…the question is do we want to and is it worth doing it?
Well what do you think about this? Do you think Malaysians can and will actually learn to speak good proper English in the near future?
Additional tags related to this topic:
National Language vs. English Language
like that means, people like me cannot blog lor. myself only school up to form five mah. english where got so terror.
ah pek: I believe you can make an effort to speak properly...if you really want to but I also understand there is no motivation for you to do so, so you might be thinking, why bother right? sigh!
Well said. It's not about the accent, NEVER about the accent (hell, you don't see people from other European countries try to speak English with a faux American or British accent), it's all about how the sentences are constructed and all.
Perhaps Manglish does make the blog more accessible to a regular Malaysian, but as I am not writing only to Malaysians, I tend to avoid using that in my blog. (not that I can write Manglish properly anyway)
I tend to use Manglish in the blog only when I want to convey a certain tone to it. stuff like wow, or pretty girl just do not seem to have the same... er... desired effect as say... 'Wahlau' and 'lenglui'. I've even used stuff like LAR, or MAR, or KENOT, especially when I want to 'Malaysianise' it.
However, I still say it's everyone's writing style that matters. and frankly, what matters to ME about the 'English' in blogs, is this: AT LEAST they are getting the practise... Whether they take the effort to correct their grammar or not is another matter lar...
Besides, all the different styles make the Malaysian blogosphere so much more diversed, and so much more interesting as a result...
well said, but i think nothing much can be done to change to faux inferiority complex of speaking manglish here in malaysia. It pervades every available media, even blogging. Sometimes it can really be annoying, but i suppose its a personal preference.
oh, and by the way, up the gunners!
good post, and i agree. i just avoid blogs that don't make the effort to write properly, whether in malay or english. i find them too difficult and tiresome to read.
Well, personally I feel that there is a time and place for Manglish and for proper English. I'm overseas right now, but I still converse in Manglish with my Singaporean and Malaysian friends, because I know that they'll get the cultural jokes and this kinda helps drive away homesickness. But I don't make it a point to speak Manglish 24/7.
I do agree that many Malaysians do need to polish their English though, and there are some who just don't seem to put in the effort into doing so. I've never really felt the part about being an outcast because I spoke good English though, but I have seen many cases where people who try to put on accents get ridiculed. I have also seen Malaysians who really put their effort into speaking proper English without putting on airs, but when they do that all the time, even in informal conversations, it just feels unnatural and rigid. I think it all goes back to time and place.
Cheers for bringing this topic up.
cynical idealist: (cool nickname btw ;) well dont get me wrong, I too joke around with my friends using manglish over here... but like you said, there's a time and a place for this...and sadly malaysians don't know when and where to use I them "manglish = english"
thanks for your comments though!
Well, first of all, I think that when one person tries to speak with the Brit or American accent, it sounds really horrible and furthermore the accent is a faux.
Yes, Malaysians can learn how to speak in proper English and if a person doesn't try he/she may not know her abilities to do so right?
Speaking in proper English is better than speaking Singlish or Manglish. And yes, I do speak with the lahs, mehs, wan.. when I am around my Malaysian friends. Just for fun. But I have foreign friends as well so I don't really use it.
And my blog caters to others from around the world. Of course I can't use Manglish and I wouldn't even want to use it.
Well, all of us have to try. That's the ultimate thing. Each day we learn something new. And learning is mother of all sciences to me because it helps and broaden our knowledge.
BUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! eh i dint know juz bcoz u goto stay in angmoh country for a few years and eat lotsa potatoes then u can automatically bcome an angmoh itself! KAKAKAKA!!! solila brader i no skool one bcoz my family is poor buden my frend once told me, why i wanna learn proper english when i can hire 10 guys who can speak proper english to work for me ? HAHAHAHA!!! Why dont you tey n blog in canto for a change ? lets see how proper you can do :P
wingz: how many blogs are in cantonese? and first of all, I wouldnt' want to blog in cantonese if I'm not good in the language... this has nothing to do with me living in an angmoh country, this has to do with the malaysian mentality of being complacent with the way they speak... bottom line that's about what this whole thing is all about...
Yeah you're right you can hire 10 people to speak english for you... nothing wrong with that I guess... :P
wow u reply fast! ok ok my turn pulak. u see the world is constantly evolving, evilution is the only way to move forward. Sticking to the old ways makes u weak. New words ar being made everyday and if you dont learn up, its either you too slow or too proud. This is the world where either you catch up or you get left behind, nobody is gonna wait for u duh.
Having that said i then also wanna stress anoder point, manglish is not yingrish. Manglish is a language by its own simply bcoz if u tok manglish to a gwailo he dunno nuts bout what u toking bout, so u knot compare lidat also lar ... right anot ?
By and large...people are lazy. I've found that if I read back what I write...I'm able to make it sound better for the average reader.
as much as i support the proper use of english when it needs to be written formally, such as for exams, letters etc. i feel that manglish is part of malaysian culture. the fact that we combine words from different languages into our everyday speaking only serves to highlight the multi-racial society which we live in and the acceptance that malaysians have of people from different backgrounds. no doubt the use of manglish is inappropriate in certain circumstances, but i would hate it if we lost the accent, lost the la's and the meh's and lost the me-mah fan-kan's. it is our language that makes us unique
you fail to realize one thing.. kenny's benglish-ifier did this at least,he raised the laughter and recognition in many's eyes. That too much of 'campur' will turn out in hilarious results, and we all had a good laugh. It's NOT really your version of 'encouraging people to write dat way because it's so-cool-liddat'.
Now excuse me while I rant, I don't usually do this on ppl's comments but I think what's not cool is people thinking that just because they can string a sentence together better than the average ahmad, ali or ah-kau, they come up with 'you must speak better english and weiyo weiyo, BLOG better english, otherwise don't say anything at all.'
like crap.
talk about holier-than-thou.
i tell you, if you don't let people at least say something (whether it's phua chu kang english or the Queen HRM english) you're never going to get anywhere... and here-in lies this. At least people are trying.
(besides you think you go and correct people's english you're very crever liddat you know achelly you were wrong one in the first place?)
I'll repeat that again: talk about holier-than-thou.
Funnily and crazily, I wasn't given the opportunity to study abroad either.
Limpeh anger!
Nah, just kidding. Anyway, I think blogging in not-so-perfect English is totally fine. I doubt we're encouraging ppl to write in bad English, rather speaking in a style that we're comfortable with. In that sense, I think that's fine.
I echo what jeemin said. When informally, I'll speak and write in Manglish. In formal situations I'll use Queen's English. And blogs, my friend, are largely informal.
I wouldn't worry too much about it.
hey, its cheryl again... i totally agree with you, it drives me crazy... and people always say i'm just being picky cause i grew up in england but go to university in malaysia but thats not it... how impressive can it be in a job interview if someone is constantly using malaysian slang and mixing up their words? it doesn't exactly speak volumes about their communication skills or make them sound very professional... my lecturers sometimes lapse into manglish, and even completely chinese or malay sentences, which is shocking considering its supposed to be an australian university, taught entirely in english. and then in group work, people with a common language will speak their own language together and leave out those who dont understand... if my sister in penang meets malaysian kids at the spca when her puppy participates in dog shows, she tends not to talk to them cause they wont speak english... i mean, who wants to talk to people who wont even use words you can understand? nevertheless, i know a lot of malaysians who speak great engish, including you Prashanth, and most of these people speak, read and write better than people i knew in england, which is actually kind of funny :P but still, a great achievement
Learning to speak English is not easy, but it can be done!
I try to reduce the usage of "lah", "mah" when I speak English, though I still always mess up the tenses. But it still depends on who I am talking with. I tend to use different accent or slang with different people.
Anyway, check out the tag "National Language vs. English Language". I think you put the wrong link. Also thanks for linking to my post. :)
aiyah. i make a conscious effort to blog in proper english *and I DO succeed, refer to my past entries ;)* but lately i've been finding trouble wanting to express EXACTLY how I feel without using the "lah"s, "meh"s and "WAHLAUWEI!!!!!!"s.. LoL..
Manglish will always be a part of being a Malaysian lah.
Btw. KennySia's Benglish not bad man. LoL. I tried it on my blog. ehehe.
But rest assured, I _can_ speak and use proper english WHEN I WANT TO, dahling. :P
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Manglish is a language by its own simply bcoz if u tok manglish to a gwailo he dunno nuts bout what u toking bout, so u knot compare lidat also lar ... right anot ?
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